PhD on multiple topics available at SCK•CEN
Within the unit Biosphere Impact Studies of the institute Environment, Health and Safety, of SCK•CEN, four topics are available:
- Topic 1: Linking naturally occurring radionuclide mobility and soil-to-plant transfer with soil characteristics in order to reduce uncertainties in environmental impact assessments. Contact person: Nathalie Vanhoudt (
- Topic 2: Do plants adapt to chronic low-dose gamma exposure? A mechanistic study comparing plants exposed under field and lab conditions on (epi) genetic, biochemical and population level. Contact person: Nele Horemans (
- Topic 3: Model development for the assessment of the impact of accidental and routine radioactive releases in the Meuse-Scheldt aquatic system. Contact person: Lieve Sweeck (
- Topic 4: Unravelling uranium uptake mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana. Contact person: Eline Saenen (
An overview of the available topics for all the scientific institutes can be found through the link