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Explore the entire European Radioecology Alliance website by clicking on any of the following links.
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- Launch of European Radioecology Alliance website
- An initiative to integrate radioecological research in Europe
- How to join the Alliance
- EU-NORM2 Symposium 2014 - June 17-19, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
- International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 September 2014
- Almudena Real Gallego nominated as new secretary of the Association
- The European Radioecology ALLIANCE enhances its cooperation
- Calls for proposals to carry out work within the COMET and OPERRA projects
- Sixth International MELODI Workshop: Integrating observational and experimental ionising radiation research
- The call for abstract for the Sixth International MELODI Workshop is now open
- Take part in the OPERRA e-Survey and give your opinion on priority topics in radiation protection
- Refresher courses on ERICA Tool Update and Noble Gases modelling
- The European Radioecology Alliance grants, for the first time, the award to the best poster presented at the ICRER 2014
- The European Radioecology Alliance organised two refresher courses in ICRER 2014
- Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in the environment - Field course
- The CONCERT E&T call for courses is now open
- MELODI Workshop 2015 - Next Generation Radiation Protection Research
- The EJP CONCERT expects to launch the firstTransnational Call for Proposals (2016)
- Two job opportunities at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
- Join STAR for an exciting 3 days of radioecology in beautiful Aix-en-Provence, 9-11 June 2015!
- Workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects
- ALLIANCE SRA-Statement 2015 published
- 10th International Biometals Symposium
- RICOMET 2016.
- COMET Workshop: Models fit for purpose. June 15-17, 2016. Seville, Spain.
- Register and submit an abstract to the Radiation Protection Week 2016
- Meeting on environmental and (eco)toxicological omics and epigenetics
- Transnational call for proposals on “Radiation Protection Research in Europe” through the EJP CONCERT
- AIR² Bulletin - EJP CONCERT - Issue 10 - Sept 2016
- PhD position in radiochemistry and environmental radioactivity available in Denmark
- ALLIANCE gap analysis in radioecology research
- PhD on multiple topics available at SCK•CEN
- ALLIANCE-NERIS Workshop “Towards improving radiological assessments and management: Big data sets, spatial distribution and source to sink modelling” (28th-29th March 2018)
- ALLIANCE workshop on Epigenetic factors and long-term effects of ionising radiation on organisms (4-6 April 2018)
- PhD position available at IRSN
- SPERA 2018. Bringing Environmental Radioactivity Research to Western Australia
- NKS-B RAD Workshop 2018
- ALLIANCE-NERIS Workshop “Towards Improving Radiological Assessments and Management: Big Data Sets, Spatial Distribution and Source to Sink Modelling”
- Job opening for full-time, tenured professor/associate professor at the IER of Japan
- Three positions available in IES-Fukushima
- Job opening for full-time, project professor/associate professor (with fixed term) at the IER of Japan
- Job opening for fixed-term, full-time, project associate professor at IER of Japan
- PhD scholarship on Chernobyl Arthropods available at CERAD/NMBU
- International Conference: Ten years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
- Open position at IER-Fukushima University, Japan
- Postdoc in radiation physics, specialization in marine radioecology, Linköping University, Sweden
- R&D engineer position open at the Technical University of Denmark
- Open position at IER-Fukushima University, Japan
- Open research position and 3 PhD topics available at SCK-CEN
- Research funding on validation of dose models with data on C-14 from the marine ecosystem on the Swedish west coast
- Register for the workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects
- PhD position available at JRC- Hasselt University
- Two Radiochemistry Laboratory Analyst positions available at CEFAS
- Post-Doctoral position available at IRSN
- ALLIANCE PhD Webinars
- International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity Free Online Event, 29 June - 1 July 2021
- The Abstract Call for the ERPW 2021 is now open
- Great success of the two PhD webinars organised by ALLIANCE
- New PhD position open at NMBU (Norway)
- New MELODI Mobility Programme Launched
- Job Opportunity at EPA Ireland: Scientific Officer I (Level 3) Radiometric Laboratory
- Call for abstracts and registration open for the ERPW 2021
- Deadline for abstract submission to the ERPW 2021 extended to 21 August.
- Register to participate in the 5th European Radiation Protection Week
- Job opening for Project Professor or Project Associate Professor at IER, Japan
- Postdoctoral position in environmental geochemistry available at IRSN
- MEENAS webinar on "Current situation in Ukrainian nuclear industry"
- ALLIANCE webinar: Assessing impact of production, use and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals on members of public and the environment
- MEENAS webinar: European Radiation Protection from EJP-CONCERT to the PIANOFORTE Partnership and Beyond
- Postdoc position within the RadoNorm project available
- ALLIANCE Webinar on Assessing impact of production, use and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals on members of public and the environment
- Fukushima University Graduate School of Symbiotic Systems Science and Technology
- ALLIANCE webinar: NORM in aquatic systems
- PhD position available at IRSN
- Nick Beresford has left us. A tribute to an excellent radioecologist, amazing person and dear friend
- EPA-sponsored PhD position in South East Technological University (Ireland)
- Position for a skilled academic for environmental radioactivity monitoring at the Technical University of Denmark
- Frequently asked questions
- Publications
- Website links
- Latest news
- Contact