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Latest news
Launch of European Radioecology Alliance website
An initiative to integrate radioecological research in Europe
How to join the Alliance
EU-NORM2 Symposium 2014 - June 17-19, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 September 2014
Almudena Real Gallego nominated as new secretary of the Association
The European Radioecology ALLIANCE enhances its cooperation
Calls for proposals to carry out work within the COMET and OPERRA projects
Sixth International MELODI Workshop: Integrating observational and experimental ionising radiation research
The call for abstract for the Sixth International MELODI Workshop is now open
Take part in the OPERRA e-Survey and give your opinion on priority topics in radiation protection
Refresher courses on ERICA Tool Update and Noble Gases modelling
The European Radioecology Alliance grants, for the first time, the award to the best poster presented at the ICRER 2014
The European Radioecology Alliance organised two refresher courses in ICRER 2014
Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in the environment - Field course
The CONCERT E&T call for courses is now open
MELODI Workshop 2015 - Next Generation Radiation Protection Research
The EJP CONCERT expects to launch the firstTransnational Call for Proposals (2016)
Two job opportunities at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Join STAR for an exciting 3 days of radioecology in beautiful Aix-en-Provence, 9-11 June 2015!
Workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects
ALLIANCE SRA-Statement 2015 published
10th International Biometals Symposium
COMET Workshop: Models fit for purpose. June 15-17, 2016. Seville, Spain.
Register and submit an abstract to the Radiation Protection Week 2016
Meeting on environmental and (eco)toxicological omics and epigenetics
Transnational call for proposals on “Radiation Protection Research in Europe” through the EJP CONCERT
AIR² Bulletin - EJP CONCERT - Issue 10 - Sept 2016
PhD position in radiochemistry and environmental radioactivity available in Denmark
ALLIANCE gap analysis in radioecology research
PhD on multiple topics available at SCK•CEN
ALLIANCE-NERIS Workshop “Towards improving radiological assessments and management: Big data sets, spatial distribution and source to sink modelling” (28th-29th March 2018)
ALLIANCE workshop on Epigenetic factors and long-term effects of ionising radiation on organisms (4-6 April 2018)
PhD position available at IRSN
SPERA 2018. Bringing Environmental Radioactivity Research to Western Australia
NKS-B RAD Workshop 2018
ALLIANCE-NERIS Workshop “Towards Improving Radiological Assessments and Management: Big Data Sets, Spatial Distribution and Source to Sink Modelling”
Job opening for full-time, tenured professor/associate professor at the IER of Japan
Three positions available in IES-Fukushima
Job opening for full-time, project professor/associate professor (with fixed term) at the IER of Japan
Job opening for fixed-term, full-time, project associate professor at IER of Japan
PhD scholarship on Chernobyl Arthropods available at CERAD/NMBU
International Conference: Ten years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
Open position at IER-Fukushima University, Japan
Postdoc in radiation physics, specialization in marine radioecology, Linköping University, Sweden
R&D engineer position open at the Technical University of Denmark
Open position at IER-Fukushima University, Japan
Open research position and 3 PhD topics available at SCK-CEN
Research funding on validation of dose models with data on C-14 from the marine ecosystem on the Swedish west coast
Register for the workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects
PhD position available at JRC- Hasselt University
Two Radiochemistry Laboratory Analyst positions available at CEFAS
Post-Doctoral position available at IRSN
International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity Free Online Event, 29 June - 1 July 2021
The Abstract Call for the ERPW 2021 is now open
Great success of the two PhD webinars organised by ALLIANCE
New PhD position open at NMBU (Norway)
New MELODI Mobility Programme Launched
Job Opportunity at EPA Ireland: Scientific Officer I (Level 3) Radiometric Laboratory
Call for abstracts and registration open for the ERPW 2021
Deadline for abstract submission to the ERPW 2021 extended to 21 August.
Register to participate in the 5th European Radiation Protection Week
Job opening for Project Professor or Project Associate Professor at IER, Japan
Postdoctoral position in environmental geochemistry available at IRSN
MEENAS webinar on "Current situation in Ukrainian nuclear industry"
ALLIANCE webinar: Assessing impact of production, use and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals on members of public and the environment
MEENAS webinar: European Radiation Protection from EJP-CONCERT to the PIANOFORTE Partnership and Beyond
Postdoc position within the RadoNorm project available
ALLIANCE Webinar on Assessing impact of production, use and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals on members of public and the environment
Fukushima University Graduate School of Symbiotic Systems Science and Technology
ALLIANCE webinar: NORM in aquatic systems
PhD position available at IRSN
Nick Beresford has left us. A tribute to an excellent radioecologist, amazing person and dear friend
EPA-sponsored PhD position in South East Technological University (Ireland)
Position for a skilled academic for environmental radioactivity monitoring at the Technical University of Denmark
Frequently asked questions
What is the European Radioecology Alliance?
When was the European Radioecology Alliance formed?
Who are the members of the Alliance?
Can our organisation become an Alliance member?
What is the Alliance's current work programme?
Radioecology Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
ALLIANCE SRA statements
The Radioecology Roadmap
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